Stephen Williams Marett

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Karla williams
Karla williams
16 days ago

Beautiful to see so many people celebrating Steve’s life xx

Susan Annesley
Susan Annesley
16 days ago

Dearest Vicki, Alan, and family, words cannot express enough my heartfelt condolences to you all with Stephen’s passing, my love and thoughts are with you all. I am so sorry I could not make it to Tabcorp today but was able to watch online, it was such a beautiful gathering of people to show how much Stephen was loved and so many beautiful treasured memories made over the years to hold forever in your hearts. Love and hugs to you all oxox Susan Annesley.

Barry Keohane
Barry Keohane
15 days ago

My sincere condolences to Vanessa, her two boys, Vicki, Alan, Cam, Zara and Brenton. Steve was just so special, as a husband, as a father, as a son, as a brother and as a friend.
Party on Steve, it was a pleasure to have known you.
Cheers and Heartfelt Regards