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On behalf of the Retired Members of the UFU, please except our condolences on the passing of Patrick. Our thoughts are with you and your wife at this time.
Bengt Carlson
1 year ago
Hey Marty and family, very sorry to hear of your loss. Wish I could be there in person for you. Bengt
Ken Holden
1 year ago
Condolences to you and your family Martyn
kennny Holden
Allan Morton
1 year ago
Hello Marty and family,
I was unable to attend in person today, however my thought are with you all during this time. My deepest condolence to you all. Kind Regards Allan Morton.
Catherine Jackson-Grose
1 year ago
My deepest sympathy to all of you. I did not know Patrick but as a member of the community of Albert Park College,I am deeply moved by the passing of Patrick,No word will be good enough to help you to go through this extremely difficult time. I just wanted you to know that I share your sorrow with all my heart. To see one of our children passing away before us as parents is the hardest thing to do. I attended the service online to avoid being too emotional in public. I send you many blessings and trust that many friends will be there to support through your grief. Kindest regards,
Catherine (French Assistant Albert Park College)
On behalf of the Retired Members of the UFU, please except our condolences on the passing of Patrick. Our thoughts are with you and your wife at this time.
Hey Marty and family, very sorry to hear of your loss. Wish I could be there in person for you. Bengt
Condolences to you and your family Martyn
kennny Holden
Hello Marty and family,
I was unable to attend in person today, however my thought are with you all during this time. My deepest condolence to you all. Kind Regards Allan Morton.
My deepest sympathy to all of you. I did not know Patrick but as a member of the community of Albert Park College,I am deeply moved by the passing of Patrick,No word will be good enough to help you to go through this extremely difficult time. I just wanted you to know that I share your sorrow with all my heart. To see one of our children passing away before us as parents is the hardest thing to do. I attended the service online to avoid being too emotional in public. I send you many blessings and trust that many friends will be there to support through your grief. Kindest regards,
Catherine (French Assistant Albert Park College)