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I didn’t know Neil, but I think this is the Neil Kiely who recently sent my brother in law Bert McGregor a birthday card. Bert, the same age as Neil, passed away last week, a few weeks I see after Neil. I’m not sure how they met, but listening to Neil’s beautiful eulogy by his son, makes me think they taught together at the same school at some point…or they shared the same passion for art. Blessings to both of these lovely men!
I didn’t know Neil, but I think this is the Neil Kiely who recently sent my brother in law Bert McGregor a birthday card. Bert, the same age as Neil, passed away last week, a few weeks I see after Neil. I’m not sure how they met, but listening to Neil’s beautiful eulogy by his son, makes me think they taught together at the same school at some point…or they shared the same passion for art. Blessings to both of these lovely men!