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So wonderful to be here virtually to witness this special day for Nathan and Sarah! Love the live music!
3 years ago
Congratulations ๐
Kylie Medlin
3 years ago
I feel so lucky to have been able to share your spwcial dqy lots of love Aunty Kylie ๐
Nicholas & Brooke
3 years ago
๐ ๐ ๐
Renรฉe Cameron
3 years ago
Congratulations Nathan n Sarah.
That was a lovely ceremony and we felt very privileged to be invited online.
We had a great seat!
We hope the rest of your day celebrating is full of laughter, love and joy.
Love Renรฉe n Peter, Tony n Joan xoxo
SO excited ๐
So fantastic to be here for this special occasion
Mabrook congratulations
WOW …. Nathan looks great!!
The flowers are beautiful!
Looking great bear
So wonderful to be here virtually to witness this special day for Nathan and Sarah! Love the live music!
Congratulations ๐
I feel so lucky to have been able to share your spwcial dqy lots of love Aunty Kylie ๐
๐ ๐ ๐
Congratulations Nathan n Sarah.
That was a lovely ceremony and we felt very privileged to be invited online.
We had a great seat!
We hope the rest of your day celebrating is full of laughter, love and joy.
Love Renรฉe n Peter, Tony n Joan xoxo