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Condolenses to the family, thinking of you at this very sad time
Jack and Anna Consiglio
3 years ago
Our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are will you all.
vince Murone
3 years ago
Condolences to all the Lettieri Family, his extended family , aunties, uncles and cousins and Friends. Very tragic
Our hearts go out to all who knew him well and were part of his life.
I met him quite a few times through Sandy and he a larger than life person
I am sorry I could not be there today to say Good Bye.
Best wishes Vince
Rosy Ritoli
3 years ago
Our deepest condolences to Ninetta, Tony, Maree, Dale, Chloe and Jake. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. From Peppina and Rosy Ritoli.
Lina Cuda
3 years ago
My deepest condolences to all of you.
Lina Cuda
Accadia Family
3 years ago
Sending our deepest condolences to the Lettieri family . RIP Michael.
our thought & prayers are with you all . God bless .
Compare Tommaso – Comare Angioletta and family
matteo francesco Soccio
3 years ago
La famiglia soccio Si associa al dolore per la perdita di Michele
Johnny Lettieri
3 years ago
My condolences go out to you your cousin Johnny Lettieri 💖💖💖
Lisa Cuda
3 years ago
Condolences to the family. Michael was a truly beautiful and special soul and his memory will live on forever in the hearts of all those whose lives he touched. With love
3 years ago
To Tony and Ninetta lettieri our deepest condolences for your loss of your son Michael.
From Giovanni and Nella Ambruosi and Family.
Ride On
3 years ago
The short time was all quality
Michael De Felice
3 years ago
Our deepest condolences to all of you. From Michael De Felice and Family
Antonio Santalucia
3 years ago
Sentite condoglianze a tutta la Famiglia Lettieri… Un Abbraccio a Don Antonio Lettieri..e Dav…. Rip My Brother Mike.. ❤️ Antonio Santalucia
Condolenses to the family, thinking of you at this very sad time
Our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are will you all.
Condolences to all the Lettieri Family, his extended family , aunties, uncles and cousins and Friends. Very tragic
Our hearts go out to all who knew him well and were part of his life.
I met him quite a few times through Sandy and he a larger than life person
I am sorry I could not be there today to say Good Bye.
Best wishes Vince
Our deepest condolences to Ninetta, Tony, Maree, Dale, Chloe and Jake. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. From Peppina and Rosy Ritoli.
My deepest condolences to all of you.
Lina Cuda
Sending our deepest condolences to the Lettieri family . RIP Michael.
our thought & prayers are with you all . God bless .
Compare Tommaso – Comare Angioletta and family
La famiglia soccio Si associa al dolore per la perdita di Michele
My condolences go out to you your cousin Johnny Lettieri 💖💖💖
Condolences to the family. Michael was a truly beautiful and special soul and his memory will live on forever in the hearts of all those whose lives he touched. With love
To Tony and Ninetta lettieri our deepest condolences for your loss of your son Michael.
From Giovanni and Nella Ambruosi and Family.
The short time was all quality
Our deepest condolences to all of you. From Michael De Felice and Family
Sentite condoglianze a tutta la Famiglia Lettieri… Un Abbraccio a Don Antonio Lettieri..e Dav…. Rip My Brother Mike.. ❤️ Antonio Santalucia