Please note: Every effort has been made to provide the best streaming quality, as we use Telstra and Optus networks with 95% coverage.
Refresh this page if the live stream hasn't started at the scheduled time.
We take all responsible care in our delivery of live streaming/webcasting services however use of technology and systems including 3rd party providers involves risk of interruption, delay and or failure of transmission. Every effort will be made by us to resolve issues that may arise at the time of live streaming/webcasting.
Thank you for a beautiful, moving and heart felt service and for the streaming that allowed those of us who could not be there in person, take part, albeit in spirit.
Rita may have left an empty hole in our lives but she would want us to fill it with her enduring love.
Pietro e Emilia
1 year ago
La ricordiamo con immenso affetto!
1 year ago
Cara Rita, la ricordiamo sempre con tanto affetto. Ha dedicato la sua vita alla famiglia ed è stata ripagata da tutti così come meritava. Sono sicura che anche da lassù continuerà a lavorare per voi. Un carissimo abbraccio a voi e una preghiera speciale a lei.
Sara,Carmela,Giuseppe,Silvano e Margherita.
1 year ago
Interesting article I just read here on your blog, I am following your articles a few days and there is a lot of interesting information I liked. Baixe aqui
Ana Catarina
2 months ago
I loved visiting your blog, it has a lot of very interesting articles. melhores receitas
4 days ago
Oii estava navegando em seu blog e encontrei diversos artigos interessante como este. storysaver
Forever in our hearts
Thank you for a beautiful, moving and heart felt service and for the streaming that allowed those of us who could not be there in person, take part, albeit in spirit.
Rita may have left an empty hole in our lives but she would want us to fill it with her enduring love.
La ricordiamo con immenso affetto!
Cara Rita, la ricordiamo sempre con tanto affetto. Ha dedicato la sua vita alla famiglia ed è stata ripagata da tutti così come meritava. Sono sicura che anche da lassù continuerà a lavorare per voi. Un carissimo abbraccio a voi e una preghiera speciale a lei.
Sara,Carmela,Giuseppe,Silvano e Margherita.
Interesting article I just read here on your blog, I am following your articles a few days and there is a lot of interesting information I liked. Baixe aqui
I loved visiting your blog, it has a lot of very interesting articles.
melhores receitas
Oii estava navegando em seu blog e encontrei diversos artigos interessante como este.