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our condolences to Arlette and the boys. Thinking of you and may the Lord walk with you during these sad times . I still remember the good times we had during my visit in 2006 all the way from London.
Didier Etienne
1 year ago
Our condolences goes to Arlette and the boys. We are with you in thoughts and prayers. Love from Didier, Joy and Rebecca from South Australia.
1 year ago
Rest in peace Tonton
You will be remembered.
1 year ago
All our deepest sympathies goes to Nane, Jean-Marc, Antonio and family. May you find comfort in this time of sadness.
May the gentle soul of George rest in perfect peace with our God.
from Kikou, Linsay and Family.
1 year ago
He is in our thoughts and prayers
Will keep always a good memories of Poum
May He Rest in Peace
From Edwige and his cousins
Jenny & Patrick
1 year ago
Thank you so much for sharing. We send all our love and sympathy to you in this moment of grief. Stay blessed always.
Rip ton Poum.
Melissa & family
1 year ago
Reste in peace tonton poum
Our condolences to tante Arlette, jean marc and antonio. From melissa, joan, Pascal and family
our condolences to Arlette and the boys. Thinking of you and may the Lord walk with you during these sad times . I still remember the good times we had during my visit in 2006 all the way from London.
Our condolences goes to Arlette and the boys. We are with you in thoughts and prayers. Love from Didier, Joy and Rebecca from South Australia.
Rest in peace Tonton
You will be remembered.
All our deepest sympathies goes to Nane, Jean-Marc, Antonio and family. May you find comfort in this time of sadness.
May the gentle soul of George rest in perfect peace with our God.
from Kikou, Linsay and Family.
He is in our thoughts and prayers
Will keep always a good memories of Poum
May He Rest in Peace
From Edwige and his cousins
Thank you so much for sharing. We send all our love and sympathy to you in this moment of grief. Stay blessed always.
Rip ton Poum.
Reste in peace tonton poum
Our condolences to tante Arlette, jean marc and antonio. From melissa, joan, Pascal and family
Rest in peace George.